Friday, June 3, 2016

We are getting married!

Now is the time to pull out your sharpies and mark August 26 - 28, 2016 with a big heart and the names Heidi & Jeffrey in your calendar. We are getting married!

We will be making a full weekend of the occasion and would love for you to join us for all of it (we hope!) or any of it. (The ceremony will be on Saturday, August 27 at 5 PM.)

Once we decided on the place and the date, we asked ourselves what we wanted — for ourselves and for you — to take away from our wedding weekend. In other words: what would we love to be able to look back on and remember?
Connection, laughter, space, stories, good food, good drink, presence, music, connection (did we say that already?!), casual, poetic, collaborative, greased by elbows, shoulder-to-shoulder, warmth, fire, play, stars, apples, art, beauty, delight, joy, grace, comfort...
We also asked ourselves what we didn't want — for ourselves and for you — to take away from our wedding: debt, exhaustion, stress...

To this end, our wedding will be a do-it-ourselves — meaning, the two of us and all of you affair, with plenty of opportunity for anyone who wants to pitch in. In other words, we would love your help!

In the menu on the right you'll find links to, hopefully, all the information you need. Feel free to email or text us if there's anything else you need to know or want us to know.

Check back to this site periodically. We will be updating the info as our date gets closer.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

The day we met (her version)

That Happened

(Written by Heidi on 5 May 2015, 2 years, to the day, after Heidi and Jeffrey met)
I'm about to look for a poem. I don't yet know which one but I'll know it when I find it for it will be sensual and it will surprise me and later tonight I will read it to my sweetie when I meet him at the place where we met exactly two years ago on a Sunday night that for all I knew was just another in the string of lonesome Sundays I was experiencing that spring except for how this particular Sunday evening would find me waiting at the end of the bar where (he had joked in our brief email exchange) "the old folks sit,"  then blushing and shaking hands and then eating hot dates that weren't actually so hot and which later I would say would have done better with a blue cheese rather than goat but what the hell everything tastes good on a first date with a man with soft and sparkling eyes where everything is going pretty darned well. Anyway...where was I? Oh yes... Right after the dates or maybe it was after the m-m-mussels and in response to him asking what I'd done all day I blushed a little and scrambled inside my head ohmygod wondering whether I should actually tell him but then what the hell I went ahead and did and then what the hell I even went ahead and read him "Agua Sexual" because that was honest to goodness the Neruda poem I'd translated that very Sunday morning at which time I had no idea that that very evening the man I'd move in with a year later would, himself feeling every bit as brave as he felt shy, lean across our drinks to plop a big fat kiss on my cheek when I hadn't yet raised my eyes from my phone from which I'd been reading about big fat raindrops among other things. Later that night I would have the thought: That happened. And later that week we'd blush and laugh and say: That happened. And every so often over the last now nearly three years one or the other of us will say, remember when that happened?

The day we met (his version)

This is Rose Harissa. Rose is a HUGE fan of Leonard Cohen. I know this because the bulk of her OKCupid profile talked about him. Three years ago on this day, a Sunday, I decided to respond to her profile by telling her I’m Leonard Cohen’s love-child. She decided to meet me anyway, that very day. She was at the end of the bar. I was a smiling fool. After some good food, she read me a Pablo Neruda poem she had just translated. It was about big fat sexy drops of water. I was smitten. I grabbed her neck and kissed her cheek on impulse, right there in the bar. That was the beginning of the big soft. It is with us still and it grows. I love this woman.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Will you marry me?

On a Monday in February in Sunrise Cabin at Woolman Hill in Deerfield, Massachusetts, Jeffrey asked me, Heidi:

"Will you marry me?"

You may already know him, but let me tell you a little about him in the context of us...

He makes me laugh

and he paddles us around.

He spreads a table before me

and sings songs softly in my ear when it's dark. Or when I'm afraid.

He builds the fire

appreciates all my spices

eats what I prepare, for better or for worse,

and stands with me in light and in shadow.

So when he asked, so soft-eyed so direct, what was I to say but YES!

We hope you will join us for a weekend to celebrate our love and commitment for each other!